Happy Halloween!
We want to wish everyone a fun, safe, and Happy Halloween!


Spine-tingling is not just a fun, scary, or spooky Halloween term. For some, it can be a real and potentially serious feeling. There could be numerous causes for this sensation and it can come and go, while others are experiencing it constantly. If you have or are experiencing tingling or numbness in your back, it may be caused by a pinched nerve, damage, or irritation. If the pain is persistent, you may need to seek medical advice and analysis, as this could be a sign of another condition.
A tingling feeling in the back is commonly described as a pins-and-needles, stinging, or “crawling” sensation. Depending on its cause and location, the feeling can be chronic or brief. Seek immediate medical attention if the tingling is accompanied by:
- sudden weakness in the leg/s
- problems walking
- loss of control of your bladder or bowels
Those symptoms in addition to a tingling back sensation could signal a more serious condition.
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Not sure what’s right for you? Dr. Donkin is happy to make recommendations based on your wellness plan. Talk to him today or at your next appointment!