Unmask Neck Pain

In the above video, Dr. Scott Donkin gives tips on how to prevent neck pain while wearing masks.

Wearing masks might be essential for some people but one of the effects that come with it is neck pain. Let’s take a look at some Simple Steps to Ease Your Neck Tension, shall we?

  1. Breathing slower helps you relax and this results in lowering your stress level.
  2. Often times, we get masks that might be too big that might affect your vision, so try to get one that fits your facial area to see better.
  3. When is needed, leave your mask on, but it doesn’t mean that you NEED to wear it 24/7. Feel free to unmask when you can!
  4. Use a mask that best fit your face. Check the size of the mask before purchase. This could help you breath better, too.

July 2020 Newsletter: Are your kids wearing their backpacks correctly?


A recent survey by Land’s End Direct Merchants found that more than 96 percent of children ages 8 to 12 will carry a backpack to school this year. Nearly 1/3 of those children will wear their bags improperly. According to the U.S. Consumer Product Commission, in 2013, approximately 22,200 strains, sprains, dislocations, and fractures from backpacks were treated in hospital emergency rooms, physicians’ offices, and clinics. There are four steps for safer backpack use; first, choose the right pack, pack their bag correctly, lift the bag correctly, and wear it properly. 

The most crucial step to helping protect your child’s spine is choosing the right backpack. We all want our kids to like the things we purchase them but make sure their backpack decision is not only focused on looks. The pack should have padded straps, a lumbar strap, and an angled design to keep it above their waist. Correctly packing the bag is critical for their backs; their packs should never weigh more than ten percent of their body weight. Remember no matter the weight we should be lifting with our legs never our back, and never sling the pack onto one shoulder. Wearing the pack correctly is vital. Encourage your children to use both straps when carrying the pack and to make sure that it is high and tight to their back.

BEFORE: In the first picture, notice the chin tuck and forward shoulder roll. AFTER: The second picture shows the backpack adjusted to a better position. His arms are down by his side and his shoulders are not rolled forward as far.

Are You Avoiding “Pack Back”?

Conditions arising from prolonged and/or repetitious use of backpacks or other devices made for carrying material belongings Include but are not limited to:

  • Low Back pain and stiffness
  • Hip and/or pain and/or numbness
  • Sciatica
  • Neck and upper back pain and stiffness
  • Shoulder and/or arm pain and/or numbness
  • Headaches
  • Recurring muscles tension
  • Fatigue

Need to be fitted for your backpack? Call us today to schedule your fitting with Dr. Donkin!


July 2020 Newsletter: Happy 4th of July!

We want to wish everyone a fantastic and safe 4th of July!

Exercises To Improve Your Posture


Start with your shoulders rolled back and down. While looking straight ahead, place two fingers on your chin, slightly tuck your chin and move your head back. Hold for 3-5 seconds and then release. Repeat ten times. Tip: The more of a double chin you create, the better the results.


Stand with your back against a flat wall with your feet about four inches from the base. Maintain a slight bend in your knees. Your glutes, spine, and head should all be against the wall. Bring your arms up with elbows bent, so your upper arms are parallel to the floor and squeeze your shoulder blades together, forming a letter “W.” Hold for 3 seconds. Next, straighten your elbows to raise your arms to form the letter “Y.” Make sure not to shrug your shoulders to your ears. Repeat this ten times, starting at “W,” holding for 3 seconds, and then raising your arms into a “Y.” Do 2-3 sets.


Standing in a doorway, lift your arm, so it’s parallel to the floor and bend at the elbow, so your fingers point toward the ceiling. Place your hand on the doorjamb. Slowly lean into your raised arm and push against the doorjamb for 7-10 seconds. Relax the pressure and then press your arm against the doorjamb again, this time coming into a slight lunge with your legs, so your chest moves forward past the doorjamb for 7-10 seconds. Repeat this stretch two to three times on each side.


Kneel onto your right knee with toes down, and place your left foot flat on the floor in front of you. Place both hands on your left thigh and press your hips forward until you feel a good stretch in the hip flexors. Contract your abdominals and slightly tilt your pelvis back while keeping your chin parallel to the floor. Hold this pose for 20-30 seconds.

Tips From Dr. Donkin
