Give Your Countertops Double Duty

Make Your Countertops Work Double Duty 

Are you sick of sitting at the kitchen table or your home office? If you are looking for a standing desk option, kitchen countertops are a great option! Working well from a counter depends on the height of the counter and the person.  Here are three images of laptop computer positions at the front desk counter at Donkin Chiropractic. This countertop is 44 inches, which is also the distance of my elbow to the floor when I am standing upright. 

The image with no reams of paper shows a good keyboard height for my arms but not for my neck and head.

The image with two reams of paper shows an adequate compromise of elbow angle and head/neck angle when working on a laptop at a desk or another table or desk.

The image with five reams of paper shows what can happen to make a much healthier working posture if a person has a wireless or extra keyboard to use with the laptop. 

A counter can be used as a standing desk if the counter height and your height allow you to have good posture while you are working with on your laptop at home.  Coffee table books can be used, but make sure they are as big as the laptop to create a stable base.

Adapting To Our “Normal Now”