Blog & News

Here is where you can find the latest updates from Donkin Chiropractic, as well as tips and advice from us to lead you to a healthier lifestyle. Believe it or not, one small change of habit can make a drastic improvement in your life.

Holiday Stressbusters

Unfortunately, the joy and wonder of the holiday season are frequently overshadowed by anxiety and the physical and emotional effects of negative stress. As we investigate stress in this series, you will learn that the paradoxical nature of the Holidays, as we currently celebrate them, is predictable. This being the case, the best gift we […]

Deerstracted Driving

Attention All Drivers! We are all familiar with the notion of distracted drivers.  We see them regularly on the road and maybe we have even driven distracted ourselves.  But there is a formidable force coming our way that requires our attention especially this time of year.  That is distracted deer! This time of year, deer […]

Introducing Our E-Store

We are happy to announce that we have partnered with Designs for Health to bring our patients a new line of supplements! These supplements are designed to complement your unique plan with Dr. Donkin to get out of pain, into health and on to your own path to wellness. Here at Donkin Chiropractic, we believe in creating an inviting, […]