The Great Lincoln Leaf Pickup: How to Conquer 23.4 Billion Leaves Without the Strain!

Every autumn, the city of Lincoln, Nebraska, transforms into a vibrant, colorful canopy as the estimated 117,000 trees across the city shed their leaves. With each tree holding an average of 200,000 leaves, this season brings a total of 23.4 billion leaves fluttering down—covering lawns, sidewalks, and streets. For a community that takes pride in its beautiful landscapes, managing all these leaves becomes an impressive collective effort that I call The Great Lincoln Leaf Pickup.

This annual event calls for Lincoln’s residents to roll up their sleeves and grab their rakes to clear yards, parks and common spaces before winter sets in. But make no mistake: picking up all these leaves is more than just a fall chore. The sheer amount of bending, twisting, raking, bagging, lifting and carrying required to handle this monumental leaf load is a physical challenge. Without the right preparation, this can leave many with sore backs, stiff necks and aching shoulders.

If you’re planning to join the community in the Great Lincoln Leaf Pickup and want to avoid the physical strain, here are some practical tips to help you prepare, protect your body and enjoy this seasonal activity to the fullest.

Get Ready to Rake: Preparing Your Body and Mind

1. Warm Up Before You Head Out

Start by gently warming up your body to get your blood circulating and prepare your muscles and joints for the work ahead. A quick 5–10 minutes of light stretching, brisk walking or even some gentle movements like arm circles or lunges can make a big difference. This helps reduce your risk of injury and gets you ready to tackle those piles of leaves.  

2. Mentally Rehearse Your Movements

Before you even grab your rake, take a moment to mentally go through the movements you’ll be making—bending, lifting, reaching and twisting. This mental rehearsal can help you approach the task with awareness, making it easier to use proper form and protect your body from unnecessary strain.

3. Stay Hydrated

Hydration is essential for your muscles and joints, especially as you’ll be active outdoors. Start hydrating before you begin, and keep a water bottle nearby to sip throughout the task. Staying hydrated can keep you feeling energized and help prevent muscle cramping.

4. Use the Right Tools for the Job

Using proper equipment can make a world of difference. Use the right equipment for you and your task like a lightweight, ergonomic rake designed to reduce strain on your back and shoulders.  Depending on the size of your yard and the volume of leaves, consider using a leaf blower or a specialized leaf bagging tool to reduce the physical load on your body.

5. Pace Yourself and Take Breaks

With 23.4 billion leaves to tackle, pacing yourself is key. Take breaks as needed to avoid overloading your muscles and joints. Setting a timer to remind yourself to pause, stretch, and breathe every 15–20 minutes can help prevent fatigue and keep you feeling fresh throughout the task.

6. Stay Mindful of Your Movements

Paying attention to each movement you make—whether you’re bending to pick up a pile, raking in long strokes, or lifting a bag—is essential. Be mindful of keeping your spine aligned, lifting with your legs and avoiding twisting motions that can strain your back.

7. Stretch It Out Afterward

Once you’ve made it through the leaves, take a few minutes to stretch your muscles. Gentle stretches for your neck, shoulders, lower back and legs can help reduce muscle tension and prevent soreness. Stretching is a great way to finish the day and reward your body for a job well done.

8. Consult Your Healthcare Provider as Needed

If you have any pre-existing conditions or concerns, it’s wise to check with a healthcare provider before taking on a physically demanding task like leaf pickup. And if you experience any lasting pain or discomfort afterward, reach out to a professional for advice.

Reap the Benefits of Fall—Without the Pain

By taking these proactive steps, you can turn the Great Lincoln Leaf Pickup into a healthy, enjoyable and productive outdoor activity. With a little preparation and awareness, you’ll be able to enjoy the beautiful fall weather and the satisfaction of a job well done—without the strain and pain that sometimes comes with it. Let’s make the Great Lincoln Leaf Pickup a community tradition that’s not only good for our environment but also great for our well-being.

This autumn, Lincoln residents are not just tackling billions of leaves; they’re embodying the spirit of community and care, showing that with the right approach, we can achieve big goals together—while taking care of ourselves. Enjoy the season, and happy raking!

Contact Dr. Donkin for more information about The Great Lincoln Leaf Pickup or effectively working through the neck and back tension and pain that is often associated with it.