September Stress: Understanding and Overcoming Seasonal Stress

As September rolls around each year, a familiar feeling begins to creep in for many: a mix of anxiousness, pressure, tension and stress—that I call “September Stress”. This term captures the emotional turbulence often associated with the end of summer and the start of a new school year. Whether you’re a student, parent, teacher, or simply someone attuned to the changing seasons, the transition from the carefree days of summer to the structured routines of fall can bring about a host of uneasy feelings. 

What Causes September Stress?

September is not just about the return to school; it encompasses a broader set of stressors that many experience during this time of year. Here are some of the most common factors:

1. Back-to-School Pressure: The preparation for the new academic year can be overwhelming. Students might have worried about new classes, teachers, or even making friends, while parents may have felt  the strain of shopping for school supplies, activities, coordinating schedules, and managing their children’s anxieties.

2. Early Signs of Autumn: The subtle shift in the weather, with cooler evenings and shorter days, signals the end of summer. For some, this change can trigger a sense of loss or melancholy, as it marks the transition from a season of relaxation to one of increased responsibilities. 

3. Workplace Expectations: For those in the workforce, September often brings a renewed focus on projects and deadlines that may have been postponed during the summer months. The shift from a slower summer pace to a more demanding workload can be jarring.

4. Financial Concerns: The end of summer might have also come with financial stress, as families prepared for the costs associated with the new school year including tuition, extracurricular activities and fall clothing.

5. Unmet Summer Goals: Many people set goals at the beginning of summer—whether it’s taking a vacation, starting a new hobby, or spending more time outdoors. As September arrived, there can be a sense of disappointment if those goals haven’t been fully realized.

6. Social Shifts: Summer often brings a shift in the social calendar with vacations, barbecues, and outdoor gatherings. The return to a more structured routine can lead to feelings of isolation or social pressure as people adjust to new schedules and obligations.

How to Relieve September Stress

While September Stress is a common experience, it doesn’t have to dominate your mindset. There are many positive steps you can take to alleviate these feelings and make a smooth transition into the fall season. Here’s how:

1. Embrace the Change in Seasons: Instead of mourning the end of summer, find joy in the early signs of autumn. Engage in activities you like that celebrate the season like apple picking, hiking in cooler weather or enjoying fall-themed foods.

2. Set Realistic Expectations: It’s important to recognize that not every goal set at the beginning of summer will be achieved. Focus on what you did accomplish, and set new, realistic goals for the fall.

3. Practice Mindful Sitting: Incorporate intentional sitting practices into your daily routine. This can help you stay grounded and reduce stress. Whether it’s through meditation, deep breathing, or simply taking a moment to relax in a comfortable position, mindful sitting can be a powerful tool for managing anxiety.

4. Prioritize Self-Care: Make self-care a priority as you transition into the fall. This could include regular exercise, a balanced diet, adequate sleep and setting aside time for relaxation and hobbies. Remember, taking care of yourself is essential for managing stress.

5. Stay Connected: Maintain your social connections even as schedules shift. Whether through regular phone calls, meet-ups or online gatherings, staying in touch with friends and family can provide much-needed support and a sense of continuity. 

6. Focus on Positivity: Shift your perspective by focusing on the positive aspects of the upcoming season. Look forward to new opportunities, experiences, and the personal growth that comes with embracing change.

7. Engage in Creative Outlets: Channel your feelings into something creative. Whether it’s journaling, painting or playing music, creative activities can be a great way to express emotions and reduce stress.

Moving Forward with Confidence 

Dr. Donkin has noticed with patients that he cares for that September Stress often starts out as August Angst that is not resolved.  The physical manifestation of mental stress is usually tension that develops in the neck, shoulders and back that continues and progresses until the cycle of stress and tension is addressed through dealing with the stress with suggestions in this article as well as taking care of the lingering physical tension, strain and pain.  The Chiropractic care that Dr. Donkin provides can be very effective in relieving the September Stress cycle which is essential so it does not lead into October Overload! 

You can turn this seasonal stress into an opportunity for growth and renewal. Embrace the transition, look forward to the possibilities that the autumn holds, and remember that you have the power to navigate this period with confidence and grace. 

Contact Dr. Donkin for more information about September Stress or effectively working through the neck and back tension and pain that is often associated with it.