Working From Home?
Scores of my patients as well as millions more are now working from home.
Teachers, students, attorneys in financial services, and many others are trying their best to remain productive in make-shift home workstations.
Even though an entire book could be written about setting up homework stations, here are three recommendations that many of my ‘ work-from-home patients have found helpful. I would make many different recommendations in the traditional workplace setting but we are in a novel time right now and we must successfully adapt to new circumstances at this time.
The majority of the people I know are using a laptop at home so with this in mind consider the following:
Pick your best spot at home.
If you do not have a regular desk at home…

The wrist is made up of eight small carpal bones, as well as the two long bones of the forearm, called the ulna and the radius. We use our wrists all the time which can make them more prone to injury and discomfort. Are your wrists sore, achy, or stiff? Give us a call! We can help.


Not sure what’s right for you? Dr. Donkin is happy to make recommendations based on your wellness plan. Talk to him today or at your next appointment!