You were just in a car accident. What do you do? First, stay calm. It may not seem like much but, experiencing some sense of shock is common. Second, you don’t want to be the second accident that day so make sure, if it is possible, to get off of the road and onto the shoulder of the road. Next, follow these steps to ensure you and your passengers are safe and recover correctly.
- Assess passengers for injury.
- Call 911 to get the help you need.
- Exchange information with everyone involved in the accident. This includes driver’s licenses, registration and insurance information.
- Get witness information.
- Take photos of your car from all angles to submit for your insurance claim.
Most injuries are not obvious to the naked eye. Better safe than sorry! Go to the ER or Urgent Care. Report the incident right away before you forget details of the incident. When they ask how you are, do not say, “I‘m fine.” Tell them that you will be seeing your doctor of chiropractic who will send a report. Call Your Insurance. Most motor vehicle injuries respond well to chiropractic care. State Farm estimated that 87.5% see a doctor of chiropractic. Call Your Doctor of Chiropractic to follow through on care. If your chiropractor orders tests it will be because they found reasons to do so. If a test comes back negative, then that problem is ruled out. If a test comes back positive, it will help with your care and the possible need for referral to a specialist who may be able to help you further.